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Cruising on a Cargo Ship!

Travelling on a cargo ship is an adventure. Why? You are never sure exactly which ports you will visit or how long you will be staying in each port. Of course you do have some idea of ports and times but any port can be changed and so can the length of time you stay at the port as everything is dependent on the cargo that is to be loaded and offloaded. If the ship is offered extra cargo it will of course accept the cargo and this means you will be longer in that port.

We travelled on the Cape Don.

As you can see from the photo this is a geared container ship. One of the wonderful things about this kind of ship is that it takes time to load and unload the cargo, so the ship is usually in port longer than one day. Watching the loading and unloading of the cargo was one of the highlights of the trip. For more on cargo handling click here. For other areas of interest see the headings at the top of this page.


Ship Data for the fanatics:  

Management: European
Master:  European    
Officers: European and Philippino  
Crew:  Philippino 
Registry:  Majuro, Marshall Islands 
Gross tonnage:  23132  
Length overall:  192.9m  
Width: 27.80m  
Service speed: 19.4 kts  
Maximum no. of passengers:  9    
Commenced service: March 2002 
Operated by: Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd of Cyprus
Under charter to:  Project Asia Service

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